Everyday Life Calculators

Flight Carbon Emissions Footprint Calculator

Estimate the CO₂ emissions generated during a flight and compare it to the IPCC's recommended annual CO₂ limit per person with the Flight Carbon Footprint Calculator. Consider reducing air travel to minimize your impact on the environment.

CO₂ emissions
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Table of contents

How can I calculate my carbon footprint?
Step 1: Determine the distance of your flight
Step 2: Determine the class of your flight
Step 3: Calculate your emissions
Step 4: Offset your emissions
What is the carbon footprint of a flight from SFO to Singapore?
How much carbon is used on a flight from New York to San Francisco?
What is the carbon footprint of a private jet?
What industries have the highest carbon footprint?

How can I calculate my carbon footprint?

If you're concerned about your carbon footprint and want to reduce your impact on the environment, calculating your flight emissions is a great place to start. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Determine the distance of your flight

The first step is to determine the distance of your flight. You can use a tool like the Great Circle Mapper to calculate the distance between two airports. Simply enter your departure and arrival airports, and the tool will calculate the distance in miles.
Example: Let's say you're flying from Los Angeles (LAX) to New York (JFK). The distance between these two airports is approximately 2,450 miles.

Step 2: Determine the class of your flight

The class of your flight also affects your carbon emissions. First class seats, for example, take up more space and tend to have heavier furnishings, which increases the amount of fuel needed to transport them. Business and economy class seats are lighter and take up less space, which reduces emissions.
Example: Let's say you're flying economy class.

Step 3: Calculate your emissions

To calculate your emissions, you can use an online carbon calculator or a formula that takes into account the distance of your flight, the class of your flight, and the type of aircraft.
Here's a simple formula for calculating your flight emissions:
Emissions (kg CO2) = Distance (km) x Emission factor (kg CO2/km/passenger)
The emission factor varies depending on the type of aircraft and class of your flight. For economy class flights, the average emission factor is 0.101 kg CO2/km/passenger.
To convert miles to kilometers, simply multiply the distance in miles by 1.609.
Example: Let's say you're flying economy class from Los Angeles to New York, a distance of 2,450 miles. To calculate your emissions:
Distance = 2,450 x 1.609 = 3,937 km Emissions = 3,937 km x 0.101 kg CO2/km/passenger = 398 kg CO2

Step 4: Offset your emissions

Once you've calculated your flight emissions, you can offset them by purchasing carbon offsets. Carbon offsets fund projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as wind farms and reforestation projects, to compensate for your emissions.
The cost of carbon offsets varies depending on the project and provider, but it typically ranges from $10 to $30 per ton of CO2.
In conclusion, calculating your flight emissions is an important step in reducing your carbon footprint. By following the steps outlined above, you can get a better understanding of the environmental impact of your air travel and take action to reduce it.


What is the carbon footprint of a flight from SFO to Singapore?

The carbon footprint of a flight from SFO to Singapore would depend on a variety of factors, including the type of aircraft, the distance flown, and the number of passengers on the flight. However, according to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the average carbon footprint for a passenger on a flight from San Francisco to Singapore is approximately 2.77 metric tons of CO2 emissions.

How much carbon is used on a flight from New York to San Francisco?

On average, a passenger on this flight can expect to generate approximately 0.45 metric tons of CO2 emissions.

What is the carbon footprint of a private jet?

Private jets generally have a much larger carbon footprint compared to commercial flights, as they consume more fuel per passenger. According to a report from The Guardian, a typical private jet flight from New York to Los Angeles emits around 20 times more CO2 emissions per passenger than a commercial flight on the same route.

What industries have the highest carbon footprint?

The industries with the highest carbon footprints include transportation, energy production, agriculture, and manufacturing. Within transportation, aviation and shipping have particularly high carbon footprints due to the large amounts of fuel they consume. The energy production industry is also a significant contributor to carbon emissions due to the burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Agriculture and manufacturing also contribute to carbon emissions through various processes such as animal husbandry and the production of goods.
John Cruz
Article author
John Cruz
John is a PhD student with a passion to mathematics and education. In his freetime John likes to go hiking and bicycling.
Flight Carbon Emissions Footprint Calculator English
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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