Health Calculators

Child Weight Percentile Calculator

This is a tool that helps measure how a baby’s weight compares to other babies.

Child Weight Percentile Calculator

Child weight percentile:
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Table of contents

The baby weight chart's purpose
How do I interpret the baby percentage chart?
What is the child weight percentile
What is the best way to calculate the child's percentile of weight?
How do I estimate the percentile of child weight?
Do you think my child should follow the same percentile?

The baby weight chart's purpose

The percentile scale is used when assessing a baby’s weight. Because most children reach certain developmental milestones at a particular time, they need more calories. It can be difficult to figure out what weight your child should be at any age.
WHO has therefore created a baby weight chart which shows how a child develops. The infant growth chart does not only show how tall they are, what their BMI is, but which child is. You should also consider that the baby could gain weight before they grow taller.

How do I interpret the baby percentage chart?

When assessing a child’s development, raw kilograms should not be used. These numbers can be used to calculate the ibuprofen, paracetamol, or bodyweight doses.
The rate at which grows is important to doctors when reviewing a chart of infant growth.
  • The child should gain weight in the same way as their baby's growth chart.
  • If your results are in the two- or more percentile range (they rise/decrease by at minimum two ranges), you should consult a doctor. A doctor should be consulted if the results are between the 75th and 85th percentiles and the 15th-25thpercentile.
  • You should also check that their is less than the 5th and above the 95th percentile . Talk to your doctor if your child has not been in these ranges for a while. You may also want to consult a dietitian to help you manage your child's daily calorie intake.
  • What is the child weight percentile

    The child weight percentage is the difference in weight between the child and other children in the same group. So, if the child's percentile of weight is 80, they are likely to be heavier than 80 other children and smaller than 20 others. The idea is to measure the baby's size and weight in comparison to their peers.

    What is the best way to calculate the child's percentile of weight?

    To calculate the child's weight percentile, follow these steps:
  • The age of your baby
  • Your child's weight
  • WHO child growth chart.
  • How do I estimate the percentile of child weight?

    To determine the child's percentile of weight:
  • Track a horizontal line and mark your child's age in the WHO growth chart
  • Similar procedure: Mark the child's weight on X-axis. Draw a vertical line from there to meet the horizontal line.
  • The child's weight percentile is indicated by the percentile curve at which the intersection takes place.
  • Do you think my child should follow the same percentile?

    As they age, the percentile curve should remain the same for your child. Consult a doctor if the child's percentiles change by more or less than 2 percentage points.
    Parmis Kazemi
    Article author
    Parmis Kazemi
    Parmis is a content creator who has a passion for writing and creating new things. She is also highly interested in tech and enjoys learning new things.
    Child Weight Percentile Calculator English
    Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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