Mathematical Calculators

Cylinder Volume Calculator

This is an online tool that will calculate the volume of a cylinder.

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Table of contents

The volume of a Cylinder
Volume of Cylinder
What is the volume of a Cylinder?
The volume of the Right Circular Cylinder
The volume of an Oblique Cylinder
The volume of an Elliptic Cylinder
The volume of Right Circular Hollow Cylinder
Conversion table and units of volume

The volume of a Cylinder

A cylinder is a solid that consists of two congruent circular areas in parallel planes. It also contains their interiors as well as all line segments paralleling the segment containing the center of each circle and its endpoints on the circular region.

Volume of Cylinder

The volume of a cylindrical is its capacity. This determines how much material it can hold. A specific volume of a cylindrical formula is used in geometry to determine how much liquid or solid can be submerged in it. A cylinder is a three-dimensional shape that has two identical parallel bases. There are many types of cylinders. These are:
  • Right Circular Cylinder: A right-hand cylinder with circles as its bases and each line segment representing a part of the lateral curve surface is perpendicular to the bases.
  • Oblique Cylinder A cylinder where the sides are angled at an angle not equal to right angles.
  • Elliptic Cylinder A cylinder with ellipses as bases.
  • Right circular hollow cylindrical: A cylinder made up of two right circular hollow cylinders, bound one inside the other.
  • What is the volume of a Cylinder?

    The volume of a cylinder refers to the number of cubes (cubes with unit length) that can fit inside it. It is the area occupied by the cylindrical as any three-dimensional shape. Cubic units are used to measure cylindrical volumes, such as cm^3 and m3. 

    The volume of the Right Circular Cylinder

    We know that the right circular cylinder's base is a circle and that the area of a circle with radius r is p*r^2. The volume (V), of a right circular cylindrical cylinder, is calculated using the above formula.
    V = p*r^2*h
    r: The radius of the base (circle), of the cylinder
    h: The height of the cylinder
    p: refers to a constant whose value can be either 22/7 or 3.142.
    The volume of a cylinder directly depends on its height, and also directly depends on the square of its radius. This means that if the radius becomes twice the diameter of the cylinder, its volume will be four times.

    The volume of an Oblique Cylinder

    The formula for calculating the volume of an oblique cylinder is the same as the one used to calculate the volume in a right circular cylindrical cylinder. The volume (V), of an oblique cylindrical whose base radius and height, are “r”, and whose height “h”, is the same as that of a right circular cylinder.
    V = p*r^2*h

    The volume of an Elliptic Cylinder

    An ellipse is known to have two radii. We also know that the area for an ellipse with radii of “a” or “b”, is p*a*b. The volume of an elliptic cylindrical is,
    V = p*a*b*h
    a, b: The radius of the base (ellipse), of the cylinder
    h: The height of the cylinder
    p: A constant whose value can be either 22/7 or 3.142.

    The volume of Right Circular Hollow Cylinder

    A right circular hollow cylinder is one that is made up of two right circular hollow cylinders that are bonded to each other inside. Its volume can be calculated by subtracting the volume from the outside cylinder. The volume (V), of a right circular hollow cylindrical, is.
    V = p (R^2 - r^2) * h
    R: The radius at which the outside cylinder's base meets
    r: The base radius of the inside cylindrical
    h: The height of the cylinder
    p: A constant whose value can be either 22/7 or 3.142.

    Conversion table and units of volume

    These are the most popular units of volume:
  • Metric volume units
  • Standard US, UK
  • Parmis Kazemi
    Article author
    Parmis Kazemi
    Parmis is a content creator who has a passion for writing and creating new things. She is also highly interested in tech and enjoys learning new things.
    Cylinder Volume Calculator English
    Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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